Thursday, January 19, 2012

Facing Obstacles

I received an email recently from a friend from high school.  He mentioned that my fitness blog made him laugh because I was always so into fitness as a kid.  Funny, I don't remember that.  Actually, I remember the opposite.  Maybe I WANTED to be into fitness and appeared to be but didn't take actual action.  Or maybe obstacles got in the way. Things like phone calls, boys, homework, all of that pesky, annoying stuff we call life.

What do you do when you're trying to stay in or get in shape?  I suspect what you deal with is the same as many others.  Life has a way of throwing curve balls when we're expecting a home run.  Stuff happens and we have to deal with it.

Yesterday was frustrating for me.  I had a few things come up that put me in an emotional place I don't like and I wanted to eat.  Anything and everything.  I even made brownies, using my kids as an excuse.  For lunch I had dessert and told myself it was okay because I was out with a friend I hadn't see in forever.

The truth is, it WAS okay.  Treating myself sometimes isn't horrible. It's L.I.F.E  but how we look at that is what makes it an issue and how we let it impact the rest of the day becomes an issue too.

I came home and made the brownies.  I had one.  If my willpower had not been stronger than I expected, I could have eaten more of them and made myself sick.  I could have thought, "Well, I might as well eat them since I had dessert and blew the day anyway." but because of some switch that's turned in me and my desire to baby step my way to better health, I didn't.  I continued my day eating well and drinking water.

This morning I am tired.  I didn't sleep well, thinking about a friendship I enjoyed and sad that it recently ended due to circumstances I understand but can't control.  I stayed awake feeling sad for my friend and wishing I could make things better.  I know I can't but that doesn't stop me from wanting to.  Probably I made them worse but that's a lesson I've got to learn.  I ended up sleeping only a few hours.  It wasn't pleasant.  I have not worked out yet and decided to take my son to Chik Fil A for breakfast before school.  I gave up Diet Coke and all other sodas for the new year and decided this morning I needed and deserved the Diet Coke.  My son told me it wasn't a good idea but what does he know? He's only 12!  By the time I'd made the decision to get in and got into the restaurant (a 1 minute time frame, if even), I had changed my mind and didn't get it.  It wasn't worth it.  I actually REMEMBERED BEFORE THE FACT that having it would make me want more and I'd be back on the same horse I was before.

I don't like that horse and chose not to get back on it.

We can overcome the daily obstacles.  It takes a little will power and a little motivation, but we can.

What will you do for yourself today to improve your health and well being tomorrow?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Fit Tip of the Day - January 9, 2012

It only takes 10 minutes to improve your health. Who doesn't have 10 minutes?  Drop down and do as many push ups as you can and then get up and squat until your legs won't let you anymore.  Keep it up for 10 minutes. You'll get your heart rate up, burn more calories than just sitting and even burn more calories throughout the rest of the day.  Got another extra 10 minutes? Do it again! You'll see results quickly and feel better even faster.

It doesn't take much to improve your health!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Fit Tip of the Day!

10,000 steps.  That's what all of the professionals say is necessary to begin a weight loss program moving in the right direction.

10,000 steps.

You can't do that sitting on your couch.  Get up and move! Go to the mall and window shop.  Go to Target and buy an apple, pay for it and walk around eating it.  (The apple is a much better choice than the frappe at the Target Starbucks!)

Move. Your. Feet.
It's not as hard as it seems.

In health!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Healthy Hints for 2012!

Looking to get healthy or maybe even healthier? Either way, here's some hints and help for making it happen in 2012!

  1. Did you make a New Years resolution? If so, create a plan for it and stick to it
  2. Drink 64 or more ounces of water a day
  3. Add lemon to that water to detoxify your liver and process fat more efficiently
  4. Trash the trash foods in your cupboards, panty, 'fridge, freezer, dresser drawer, wherever you might keep them
  5. Replace the trash with wholesome foods that surround the perimeter of the grocery store. Fruits, veggies, dairy, seafood, lean poultry, 
  6. Walk more, 10,000 steps a day
  7. Do squats while watching TV
  8. Forget the DVR, run the stairs during the commercials instead
  9. Cook enough to freeze or save for other meals that week
  10. Consider vegetable stock your best friend
  11. Create a dream board and put up photos and sayings of things that inspire you
  12. Stop drinking diet and regular soda
  13. Exercise more
  14. Try a fitness class at the gym or the park district that you haven't tried before
  15. Walk the dog or if you don't have a dog, walk the neighbors dog
  16. If your neighbor doesn't have a dog and you have a kid, walk your kid 
  17. Don't eat after 7 PM
  18. Forget processed food 
  19. Have a coffee instead of a mocha at Starbucks and have them add a pump of sugar free chocolate to it
  20. Skip the pizza and have whole grain flat bread with veggies instead
  21. Don't over eat
  22. Listen to inspiring music
  23. Make a new playlist for your workout 
  24. Learn to say no and make time for yourself! 
  25. Remember God created the earth in seven days so don't expect to do everything in only one
  26. You're not perfect, don't be so hard on yourself
  27. Set yourself up for success
  28. Reach out and ask if you need something from someone
  29. Offer support to someone who needs it
  30. Forgive someone even if you don't tell them
  31. Smile more
  32. Do yoga
  33. Pet your animals
  34. Go to bed an hour early and don't turn on the TV
  35. If you must have a bagel, make it a whole grain and dig out most of the inside so you cut your calories and carbs

Welcome to 2012!

It's been a crazy few months here in Georgia! But that's all over with now.  Finally, finally, finally it's time to get back to normal.  The holidays are over and we can all move back to reality.  Right? Right.

What are you plans for the new year? Do you have any goals? Any resolutions? Did you start already or have you already hit an obstacle? It's never to late to start over.  Actually, for most, starting over is a daily thing.  Don't let the bumps in the road screw up your path to health and wellness. You can do it.

Here's me in February of 2011.
I worked hard, for the most part, in 2011 to get myself back to a good place.  I'm still working.  It's a constant walk down a long road.  Sometimes it's fun and sometimes a lot gets in the way but I keep walking.

Here's me this summer.  
Here's me in October:
And here's my face just a few weeks ago.  You can definitely see the difference in my face, don't you think?
Here's an up close and personal version of the heavier me in February:
So how did I do it? It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but really, when you're feeling desperate to get healthy, nothing is as hard as you think.  I gave up sugar and simple carbs for almost three months and started exercising again.  I reinstated my personal trainer certification and am helping a few people begin their walk down a path to better health and feel pretty good about that, too.

I do have a minor injury that's stopped me from doing much lately and I did take the time to enjoy the holidays but I've gained a pound.  Originally I thought it was more but thankfully it's not.  I'm back on track now and enjoyed the break.  Not the injury, that's for sure. I'm hoping to have surgery quickly and recover even faster but right now I just don't know what's going to happen with that.  Thankfully fitness is only a part of the program.

Tell me what you're planning for the new year!

Stay healthy!